23-70 31 STREET ASTORIA، NY 11105
هاتف: 718.278.3630.718.278.3630. الفاكس: 718.267.2191
Home of the Roaring Tigers

مرحبا بكم في مدرستنا
آن جوردون تشانغ ، المدير
ماريا ساموليس ، مساعد المدير
سابرينا سي بارادا ، المدير المساعد

تسجيل ما قبل الروضة ورياض الأطفال
إذا تلقيت خطاب عرض وترغب في تسجيل طفلك في PS85Q ، فيرجى الاتصال بالسيدة أماتو على الرقم 718.278.3630 للتحدث عن تحديد موعد للتسجيل. يرجى البحث أسفل علامة التبويب "التسجيلات" الخاصة بنا للتأكد من حصولك على جميع الأوراق اللازمة للتسجيل. سيتم التسجيل عبر مؤتمر مع Google Meet.
قادم جديد
REVISED - 3K/PreKDrop Off Arrival & Dismissal Procedures at the PS85Q
Annex Building
Families/Guardians will walk 3K/PreK students directly to their classrooms from the main entrance on 29th Street
8:10 AM – 8:20 AM Arrival
Enter on 29th Street, please leave strollers, scooters, and skateboards in the Stroller Storage Area
Families/Guardians will exit the building from the main entrance. Students arriving after 8:25 AM will enter through the main entrance of the Annex building will be marked late.
2:15 PM – 2:25 PM Dismissal
Student dismissal will be from the main entrance on 29th Street.
Families/Guardians will pick up their 3K/PRE-K students directly from their classrooms and exit the building from the Annex main entrance on 29th Street.
Chancellor's Initiatives
NYC Reads initiative, a historic shift in the way we teach NYC school kids to read. NYC Reads will bring science-of-reading and phonics-based learning methods to all public school students, starting with early childhood programs and elementary schools through high school graduation.
The program will be implemented over the course of the next two years and will be split into two phases. Approximately $35 million will be invested next year into training and coaching for teachers to successfully get the curriculum into their classrooms and address their students’ needs. To read more
Welcome to our school website! Here, you'll find valuable information about our school, including academic programs and important announcements. Feel free to navigate through the pages to discover all that our school has to offer. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy browsing! 🏫🌐
قائمة بريدية PS85Q
اشترك في النشرة الإخبارية لدينا ، لتلقي المعلومات ولتضمينها في المنتديات المفتوحة مع مديرنا.
"المسكين هو التلميذ الذي لا يتفوق على سيده".
ليوناردو دافنشي
23-70 شارع 31
أستوريا ، نيويورك 11105
PH: 718.278.3630
الفاكس: 718.278.8312.500
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